So, I started back at work on March 1st and, as you can see, I haven't blogged since before that. Here's quick update on our lives.
Megs....Well, I'm back at work. (Full time) The night before my 1st day back, I put Keenan to bed and as I walked away I sobbed because I wouldn't be there to get him up the next morning. That first day was really hard, but I definitely feel that being back at work is good for me. I would love to be part time, and that is the goal once financially we're in a place to do that. What I really love is that Matt gets to watch Keenan the days I work. I don't know many dads that get to spend that much time with their new babies.
Matt....As I said earlier, he gets to watch Keenan the days I work and I must say, he is an AMAZING dad! I adore watching him with Keenan. He was terrified during my pregnancy about taking care of a baby, and you should see him now! He could change a diaper blind-folded! Right now he's doing some work for a judge downtown Portland the days I don't work. He got a stipend of money from the Law School for this, but it's primarily for experience right now. He took the Washington State BAR in Feb. and finds out shortly if he passed. He feels a lot of pressure, but I try to reassure him if he doesn't pass, it's really ok. "Brutal", is all I have to say about that test. I sometimes find myself very angry at the people who made this test and think it needs to be the most high pressured and ridiculously hard test.
Keenan....He keeps making us laugh, smile, and love him more every day! He has his two bottom front teeth and I love seeing them when he smiles. He started eating peas, carrots, and rice cereal. (not too fond of peas) He sits up on his own, and I wouldn't say crawls yet but definitely gets from point A to point B. (He's a mover!) He still sleeps through the night and usually takes 2 naps per day. Although, naptime is still a struggle, he "fights" falling asleep. My favorite things that he does right now is squeal and giggle when Matt tickles him and when he tries to whistle.
Opie....He continues to be a kind and patient dog and puts up with Keenan pulling on his hair now! Thankfully the weather is getting a little nicer so we go on more walks now and that's all I need to do to make his day.
Yay, pictures! Working full time and being a Mama is huge, sounds like you're doing an amazing job Megs. Keenan is soooooooo cute! He dresses so stylish, like his dad :) Can't wait to see you!!!